37 American states sue Google | the End Of Digital Colonistion | Google News Update


Now they say all good things come to and for years big tech enjoyed control quashed competition vast in the glory of monopoly but now it may all end and end very soon doors are closing in on tech giants standing on the front line are facebook twitter and google

I have three stories for you tonight 
we'll start with what's happening in the united states google has been sued in the us by as many as 37 states 37 american states and washington dc have together dragged google to court it is being accused of violating anti-trust laws what does that mean number one google is being accused of anti-competitive conduct in its play store you know the google play store that we have on our android phones american states say that the play store is anti-competitive
i'll explain you see google puts 
misleading security warnings on android phones so when you try to download apps from outside the play store your android phone discourages you you may get a notification saying that the app is dangerous that it may have a virus and so on so a person mostly ends up downloading apps only from the play store why is this bad for you because it deprives you of choice of better price range a similar app could be cheaper outside the play store but google would discourage you from downloading it and it's especially bad for app developers they lose out on android users it's not fair competition here's another point from the lawsuit it says that google is forcing app developers to pay commission again how suppose you've downloaded an app from play store now you want to buy paid content on this app so what will google do
It will force the app to use google 
billing for the transaction and that ensures that google pockets a 30 commission on every purchase google also prevents most app developers from selling their product outside the play store
So it's my way of the highway google 
makes a fortune in the process everyone else loses out and none of this is really surprising we have been aware of big tech's monopoly for a while now what's different this time is that governments are doing something about it in this case it's the governments in the u.s google's home country what has been filed against google is a bipartisan lawsuit meaning parties from across the political divide have joined hands the case will be heard by a judge named james donato he was appointed by barack obama he has a history of not being lenient with google but that's not going to be enough what these american states must do now is provide evidence and hard evidence remember what happened with facebook just a couple of weeks back america's federal trade commission had taken it to court it had accused
Facebook of being anti-trust
But a federal judge could do nothing 
about it why because he said that the agency had failed to provide enough evidence to prove facebook's monopol will google's fate be different we don't know has google responded to the news of this lawsuit it has here is a blog post it was published on the 7th of july it says and i'm quoting it's strange that a group of state attorneys general chose to file a lawsuit attacking a system that provides more openness and choice than others this is a 7 100 plus character long blog there's a lot of unnecessary data a lot of technical jargon all stitched together to help google plead not guilty but this is not the only case that google is fighting there is another lawsuit that has been filed against google also named in it is facebook any idea who's filed this suit none other than former u.s president donald trump here's what he said we're asking the u.s district court for the southern district of florida to order an immediat halt to social media companies illegal shameful censorship of the american people and that's exactly what they are doing we're demanding an end to the shadow banning a stop to the silencing and a stop to the blacklisting banishing and canceling that you know
So well our case 
will prove this censorship is unlawful it's unconstitutional and it's completely un-american we all know that we all know that very very well for a change he's right what big tech is doing is not only an american it is also an indian and european it is in short anti-human rights anti-trust authorities in the uk and australia are already probing google's monopoly india too has come up with new i.t regulations to tame tech giants yesterday india appointed a new i.t minister his name is ashwini vaishna 51 years old former bureaucrat an iit and warton graduate he's been tasked with breaking the monopoly of big tech in india of making the internet free and fair and of getting twitter to abide by india's new regulations that it has also openly been flouting for so long vaishnav was on the job within hours of taking office the minister sen out a loud and clear message to twitter he said and i quote whoever is a citizen of india and those who stay in india will have to abide by the laws of the country in compliance with the new iit rules twitter has finally appointed an interim compliance officer in india now indian law requires big tech to appoint a chief compliance officer a nodal officer and a grievance officer in the country and all of them should be residents of india after much resistance twitter may finally be complying but these battles are far from over you see a new technology always enjoys the advantage of legal loopholes.
What's new is often mostly unregulated 
but the new but the law in fact catches up sooner or later it happened with nuclear arms it happened with space programs drag drones and now it is also happening with the internet it may have taken a good two decades for governments to understand the world wide web and its pitfalls but now that they have the end of big text reign and digital colonization should only be a matter of time veon is now available in your country.

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