Copy & Paste YouTube Shorts And Earn $368 Per Video | Make Money Online

 I've seen a lot of ways to make money

Online but what if you can just copy and 
short 60 seconds videos and earn 300 to 300 or even 400 per video and all of that without talking without showing your face and with no previous experience imagine just making money from your laptop or just a smartphone device and how much that would change your life so be sure you're following all the steps from this tutorial to make sure you can set this up properly and stay until the end to see the bonus trick to easily make a lot more money for free now before we begin three months ago got over 300 million views so it's only 35 seconds long video that got over 300 million views in less than two months and inside of this video i will show you how you can leverage this to make thousands of dollars without even turning on your camera so you will not have to film anything and you will not have to show your face so let's begin with step
1. Number one now 
for the step number one i want to check out this channel right here that has
Nothing to do with the shorts but i want 
to show you that by posting two videos in this niche these guys are according to socialblade making anywhere from 300 all the way to
000 just from ad revenue alone and then you can add brand deals affiliate marketing and products that they're promoting with their videos but even with just ad revenue for two videos a month they're posting on their channel to faceless videos they're making over four thousand dollars just from the ad revenue alone which if you do the math is over two thousand dollars per video so inside of this tutorial i want to show you how you can use the same strategy in the short space to potentially earn even more money with shorter videos so instead of making 10 or 15 minutes long videos.i'm gonna show you how you can turn them into shorts to attract a lot more views and potentially earn a lot more money so now that you know that these guys are making over three thousand dollars per faceless video did they publish on theropia
Let's see what exactly they're talking 
about on their channel so they're making top 10 videos for a specific country so we have top 10 most beautiful places to visit in greece ancient egypt florida new mexico ireland england netherlands colorado peru japan and so on and so forth we have all these different countries and basically what they're doing is if you open up any of their videos for example top 10 places to visit in month and aggro if i open up the video you will be able to see that this is only a mixture of different stock videos stock photos and the voiceover in the background nothing more than that so no one is showing their face and they're not filming anything by themselves they literally found these videos and these photos online for absolutely free and they're combining that with a voiceover in the background to make over three thousand dollars per video so i will explain you step by step how you can do pretty much the same in the short space okay
So first of all 
you will need to find the right video idea and i always prefer to go with most popular videos because that way you can kind of replicate their success so if you go or for example with europio or any of the similar channels or even just go over to youtube and find similar videos that are getting a lot of users that are going viral in this niche you can fake that as an example but i will go through therapia i will go to their videos and i will sort by most popular that's going to show me the videos that are getting the most views so what most what people are mostly interested in when this niche comes in so you have 25 best places to visit in europe 25 best places to visit in the usa 10 best places to visit in switzerland these videos are getting millions of views so we can kind of replicate this we can for example use 10 best places to visit in italy that video got 4.2 million views so i will now turn this into shorts to try and get even more views than them and you will see exactly
How so for the step number three which 
is this step right now you just need to find the right of video to turn into short so in order to make that type of video you would obviously need to start with visuals so you would need some stock footage stock of photos for that specific country to turn that into a short and then i'm also gonna give you an absolutely free online software that's gonna help you generate those shorts in less than 60 seconds so you will see exactly how it works if you stay with me all the way until the end anyways in order to find free stock photos and free stock videos i highly recommend you go over to paxels this is already this is the best free stock photos and videos network shared by talent and creators from all over the world
So you have all of these amazing photos 
which you can use free of charge so you can just go to the search bar and search for whatever your video will be about if this is going to be the top 10 places to visit in italy i can for instance search italy or a specific place in italy so i will go to paxos type in italy and that's going to give me lots of different photos and videos which i can use free of charge
Let's say for example i like this photo 
right here all i have to do is click on this arrow right here arrow pointing down and it's immediately gonna download it to my computer now i can use it with no attribution the author and i can basically do this again and again for unlimited times if i want to use this photo right here i can just click on the arrow pointing down and it in just two seconds it's going to be onto my computer i want to use this one as well i will just click this it's only one click and i already have three photos that i can use for my shorts videos so the entire process of finding stock photos and stock footage for your video should take no more than five minutes i literally just go over to and find all of the visuals that you need for absolutely free once you have the visuals you might also want to consider adding the voiceover in the background you don't have to this is the optional part because for the shorts you can literally just have the facts over the screen so voiceover is not that important right now but if you want to add a voiceover which can definitely help you with the views
What you can simply do is you can either 
record the 60 seconds or even less like 30 seconds long voiceover yourself that's going to be pretty pretty easy and simple or if you don't want to do it 
yourself you can definitely consider
using seo clerics so this is over the on here you can literally find a 30 to 60 seconds long voiceover professional sounding voiceover for less than a dollar so you can go over to seo clerics you can go to the jobs on the right hand side you can select the voiceover underneath the audio and music and just browse to find the right over arthas that's gonna do it for really really cheap and remember one of those videos can potentially make you over two thousand dollars so even if you invest one or two dollars into the voice over
It's still okay because you can get a 
huge return on that tiny investment step number six now that you have the visual so you have the stock footage and you have the stock photos and you also have the voiceover in the background you will need to create that you will need to combine that and create an actual youtube shorts and that means that the video needs to be in a mobile format so in a phone video format and it needs to be up to 60 seconds long so one of the best and easiest ways to do this for absolutely free with no previous experience and to do it in like less than five minutes is to simply go over to canva this is over at and i'm sure you have heard about this one before
So you will head over to you 
will sign up for absolutely free that's gonna take like no more than 60 seconds and once you do you will go over to the search bar and you will search for mobile videos so search for mobile video that's going to give you lots of different templates which you can use and where you can just drag and drop and create a simple shorts videos so you can go through all of these and select any template you prefer or you can even start with a blank template so i will open up the blank template to show exactly how this works
So now follow each and every step to 
create professional looking shorts that's actually going to make you money again and again the entire process should take no more than 30 minutes to create the entire shorts from scratch that can potentially make you over 2000 dollars so down below we can adddifferentscenes and each scene is gonna be like five seconds long you can of course make that a longer you can make that shorter i prefer to leave it at five seconds each so what i can do is here on the left hand side i can go to the uploads page i can click on 
upload medium and i can select the 
photos which you previously downloaded from photos or videos in a mobile format so we'll double click on this and i will just wait until that loads and once it does i can start dragging and dropping to the scene and i can start creating my shorts
So it's simple as this you just need to 
click on the image or stock footage which you just uploaded to camera it's going to show up on the scene right here now i will just make it bigger so it fits the entire scene so now that looks pretty nice so let it just load it's kind of blurry right now because it's still a loading and now above this i can also add some text which is highly recommended because you want to grab their attention especially in the first three seconds because the attention span of people watching youtube shorts is really really low so you want to make sure you're grabbing their attention in the first five seconds so i will select some of the fonts from the left hand side i will wait until it loads
i'll for example 
use this one right here i will double click to change everything so for instance type in top 10 places to visit in italy now that doesn't fit right so we'll make it a little bit smaller so it actually fits and that's gonna be better but i just don't like the font and i don't like the colors as you can see it's not really not nice
So i will just change that i will select 
this again and i will find a different font that might look better so let's try with this one let's see how that's gonna look like so you can just play around with different designs different fonts different colors and just make it look nice so for example i can use this one right here top ten places to visit in italy this is the first scene and i can also animate the text so i can for example add an animation so when the text pops in it looks even better as you can see this is how it's going to show up i can select some really nice transition forexample this one this is a really smooth
So i will select the bounce text 
animation now we have the first scene let's go to the next scene i will click on the plus icon right here so we can add the next scene then i will go to the uploads page once again i will select for example this one and i will just make it fit the scene once again so it's pretty simple stuff you're just playing around with different designs you're adding the effects you're adding the animation to make it look better so i will now use pretty much the same font i will go with the same font once again i'll for example type in number one rom i will also add the shadow i will place it maybe here or maybe here i don't know i will put it right here and i will also animate this text
So let's add bounce once again so we 
have another scene right here i can also animate the background if i want to so i can also animate this image so it looks even more engaging so i can bring for example use this animation right here and i can just play around as i said play around with different designs play around withanimations to make your shorts engaging that's super important it's going to be a fun process and you can easily craft this shorts in a no more than like 5 or 10 minutes even if this is your first time using camera it's all pretty much straightforward and it's super simple so now i would just need to add 10 more or actually nine more slides like nine more scenes the first scene is like an introduction that says top 10 places to visit in italy and then the next one is just pictures or videos of those places and then the names of those places in a specific country it's really really simple as you can see and once you're done you just need to hit the download button right here wait until that loads click download and the entire video is going to be onto your computer as you can see the file type is mp4 video i can download it i can wait until it loads and i can go back to youtube to upload it to potentially get a lot of views these types of videos are getting a lot of views and it's easily monetizable besides our revenue  your results so maybe you can add a call to action during the shorts that's also something that a lot of people are now doing and experimenting with youtube shorts just adding some call to action and then adding different links in the description that are potentially going to make you money you can promote different affiliate products you can promote different affiliate offers different cpa offers maybe even your own products or print on demand you can use teespring to promote different print on demand products in the description of those shorts or maybe you can land on some really nice brand deal and maximize your results and earn evenmore
Money and now if you want to get more 
details on how to make money on youtube either with shorts or just without showing your face then i highly recommend you check out tubecash once again the link to his channel will be in the description down below so do yourself a favor to subscribe and watch his videos it's all absolutely free but you can gain a lot of value and you can learn a lot about making money on youtube without showing your face 
Thanks for Visting and i
will see you in some of the next Blog

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